SJC/SJIS Alumni Association Official Website
International Alumni Council Japan - IACJ
http://www.iacjapan.com/ |
SJC - Class of 1960
http://www.sjc60.homestead.com/ |
SJC - Class of 1972
http://www.geocities.jp/stjoseph72/ |
SJC - Class of 1984
http://www.sjc84.com/ |
SJIS - Class of 1985
http://members.macconnect.com/users/j/jump1234/sjis/Class/85b.htm |
SJIS - Class of 1986
http://members.macconnect.com/users/j/jump1234/sjis/Class/86.htm |
SJIS - Class of 1987
http://members.macconnect.com/users/j/jump1234/sjis/Class/87.htm |
IBS Troop No. 1
http://www.troop1.net/ |
SJIS School Song
http://www.sjcusachapter.com/SJCSong.html |
![[sjcalumni]](images/ma_grp_1[1].gif) |
SJC/SJIS Alumni List (Yahoo! Groups)
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sjcalumni/ |
![[sjc-sparks]](images/ma_grp_1[1].gif) |
Friends of SJC/SJIS (Yahoo! Groups)
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sjc-sparks/ |

Your SJC/SJIS Transcript should be available at : Gyousei Gakuen Administration Office
1-2-5 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, Japan 102-8133
Telephone: 03-3262-3291
Web: http://www.gyosei-h.ed.jp/
(This information courtesy of the Class of 1984 Site)
http://www.sjc84.com/link.htm |
http://www.sjis.net/ |
S.J. See Page, by Charles Stevenson
http://www.geotrees.com/sjsee.html |
Berrick Hall (Operated by the City of Yokohama)
http://www.yokohamajapan.com/things-to-do/detail.php?id=12 |
The City of Yokohama
https://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/lang/residents/en/ |
SJC History / Photos
Courtesy Of The Yo-Hi Alumni Site
http://yohidevils.net/ |
History of Motomachi
https://www.motomachi.or.jp/en/history/ |
1917 Japan (from the Catholic Encyclopedia)
Read the paragraph which starts with: "In 1888 the Marianist Fathers
established themselves...."
http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08297a.htm |
Blessed William Joseph Chaminade (1761-1850)
http://www.vatican.va/news_services/liturgy/saints/ns_lit_doc_20000903_bl-chaminade_en.html |
Sofia University, St. Francis Xavier, and the Japanese Jesuit Mission
http://www.sophia.ac.jp/E/E_universityinfo.nsf/Content/casu |
Links to major sites in the Marianist world
http://marianist.org/worldlinks.htm |

The Noguchi Museum
"TIMES" Page of Isamu Noguchi (SJC Class of '21)
http://www.noguchi.org/times.html |

Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 1987
Autobiography of Charles J. Pederson (SJC Class of '22)
https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/chemistry/1987/pedersen/biographical/ |