Forward with Faith and Fortitude

S.J.I.S. School Song

William Abromitis, S.M.

J. Eliot Trowbridge, Arr.



Let us sing the well-earn’d praises

Of the school we hold so dear,

Of the school that claims our rev’rence,

SJIS, for thee we cheer.

Stand we will in joy and sorrow,

Ever ready to proclaim:

SJIS, in thee we glory,

proud we are to bear thy name;

SJIS, in thee we glory,

proud we are to bear thy name.


Forward! Is her peerless motto;

Virtue is her guiding star;

Ever ready to retrieve us

When our steps have strayed afar.

Time may see us far and scattered;

life may grow both dull and cold;

Still a claim to our affection,

SJIS shall ever hold!

Still a claim to our affection,

SJIS shall ever hold!